
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

6th month milestones

Viaan turned 6 months on the 2nd of Jan. He has become super mobile right now. He has started crawling on his tummy now. He doesn't stay put in one place. The moment I put him on the ground, he rolls over onto his tummy in a jiffy and quickly looks around to see if he finds anything interesting. He then makes a beeline for it, pulling his tummy on the ground and he is at the target in a few secs - super speedy.

Also, he hates to sleep. He was always a light sleeper, but he hates to sleep now. When he gets super sleepy - he's rubbing his eyes madly but the minute I try to pat him, he fights back furiously... flapping his arms and legs and pushing my hands away and opens his eyes wide as though he was never sleepy at all. He hates it when I try to pat him to sleep and it literally takes me around 45 mins to an hour to put him to bed. And all this effort for nothing, he is up and about within the next 5 - 10 mins. Very rarely does he sleep at a stretch of 30 mins and that is heaven for me. (NOT REALLY - not when Chhavi is around).

Another milestone he reached when he cries, he calls out 'amma' or 'mumma'. Its so nice to hear him call me. Although maybe he still doesn't intend to be calling me, but its still pleasant on the ears.

He is in the "tasting" phase now. He puts anything and everything into his mouth. Anything new going into his hands need to be sterilised. Because, the second its in his hand, its in his mouth the very next second. And he ferociously bites on it. I suspect he might be teething although its still too early to tell.

We have started him off on solid foods. Another first for this month was that he stayed alone with his grandparents and aunt for 2 nights when we took a short break and traveled to Kerala. I was so worried about leaving him behind, because he is almost always cranky. Somehow in between my mom and my sis, they managed to take care of his needs. Thanks to both of them. We definitely needed that break. So it was a first for him to stay away from us. Chhavi stayed away from us only at the age of 2.5 yrs.