
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The freedom and the snow !!! ... TO ... TANGLED !!

Hey you all out there,

I missed you all a lot the past couple of days, or rather couple of months. Was too busy with my thesis work. Fortunately or unfortunately my thesis got postponed by another semester, so I am still stuck here, "in the middle of nowhere", I would like to call it, both literally and figuratively.

Lemme explain,
Fortunately, because, I am not "hot" in the job market as yet. Infact, jobs are being taken off the market like hot potatoes. Hopefully, I will be too.
Unfortunately, because, I was feeling that I was soooo done with the thesis work. I still feel that way. But looks like I am soooo not :(.
Hmm, I guess you all understood my figurative meaning to "in the middle of nowhere". Anyways, I finally finished writing my thesis clean draft... All I have are some small minor changes left, so all I can do is go ahead from here. Lemme see where that will take me.

As for other things in my life, nothing really exciting has been going on lately, except that I have been thinking a lot about both my personal and professional life and want to write and express so many things, that they are all jumbled up now.... oh I suddenly remembered --- I saw the movie "TANGLED" recently... most appropriate word for what I am feeling right now.... but what a cute movie it was ---- absolutely LOVEEEEEED it. Okkk !! now u know exactly how tangled I am. So what was I saying ? Yeah... I have these 1000 thoughts, which I wanna express, but dunno where to start and where to continue. I will try getting to them in later posts. Lets see how successful I get on that front.

I havent done much of cooking either, so I dont know what I am gonna write in my other blog. I was however thinking of starting on some knitting, now that its winter. Ok !!! The title of this post as I write reads "The freedom and the snow !!". What was I thinking of writing ?? Frankly, I dont remember. I am gonna change the title right now. There, DONE !! Intuitive, right :) Wrong... It sounds so stupid, but I dont wanna change it.

Oh, btw, has anybody gotten to the point where they could cross off one of the items in their new year's checklist ? I havent, mainly because, I never had a list in the first place !!! As I said, too many things on my mind. Moreover, I somehow have never believed in them. Never worked for me. I still hope to do the basic things though. Here are 10 of them.

1. Graduate soon.
2. Get a job.
3. Dont go on a diet, but reduce weight..... this one NEVER EVER works !!
4. Communicate more with my family and friends.
5. Have fun in life.
6. Learn something new.
7. Get back to my artistic hobbies (knitting, drawing, crochet)... would LOVE to check this off my list.
8. Eat healthy.
9. Get un-tangled :) thats a new thought.
10. Travel to someplace soooooo gorgeous.... that everyone gets envious of me.

Hmm, I hope to check off atleast the first 2 off my list soon. Anybody else who wants to share their lists here is welcome. We can all keep track of each other's lists and try to reaaalllllllly get there this time.

So long folks,

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