
Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Trip to the Mall and some more...

Today was a pretty eventful day... I had to go to the bank in the morning to set up an ExpressSend account. Do you know Wells Fargo has a tie-up with ICICI in India - and you can send money to an ICICI account in India for a very low service fee of $5 for upto $5000 remittance. Anyways, after that, I went to the mall with my uncle and when he initially asked me, I said (like a big show-off) that I dont shop much and I definitely wont take much time...

However, when we reached the mall, there was a door buster sale (50% off) and since I am going to India in a few days, I decided I will buy clothes for my niece and nephews since I am getting them at good prices.... Oh My !! There was such a vast selection of clothes, that I was just stuck there trying to decide what to buy and what to leave back... because, 1. you dont want to repeat the design, 2. you dont want to get all clothes in similar colors, and 3. you just cant decide between the awesome designs that are printed on children's clothes today !!! Anyways, finally after an hr of casting off and throwing selections back and forth, I decided on 10 different tops and t-shirts for the kids and we were out of there.

Here are some pics of the clothes.... :)

Whatever this was... I have nooo freaking idea !!

My personal favorite - although its not a cartoon :)
Sure shot recipe for DISASTER !!

Yep it came with a toy !! The pixar Cars !!

One more toy !! Wonder what it is - looks like a bug, but it says it lights up :-?

Spiderman - DUH !!

Toy Story 3...

Clothes for my niece....

Clothes for little girls are sooo soooo soooooo cute these days, that it is impossible to select between them... I love shopping for little girls... Its so nice to see all those cute designs and prints on the kids' dresses. Here are a few I picked up for my niece.

So true !!

LOVED this one... especially the knot on the bottom right corner.
Makes it look sooooo sassy !!

Anyways, after reaching home, a short nap in the afternoon was a must - skipped lunch because I had had a pretty heavy breakfast of tandla bhakri. Woke up and watched remaining few mins of a movie that I was watching the other day "Dhoondte Reh Jaoge". Then, it was time to cook dinner. I was in such a hurry making dinner and readying for tomorrow's breakfast, that I burnt the back of my middle finger badly. Hurts real bad... I must have held it under running cold water so many times today, but still after 5 mins of stopping the water, it starts burning again. Must be a real bad burn... will see what to do about it tomorrow.

Until then, ciao
- So

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Thats the name of the movie I watched a couple of hrs back... Oh my !! What an awesome movie... took me straight into a mystery novel and I loved every minute of it.

The plot was very well-laid and it made me wish again that I was somewhere in the detective business... thats the kind of things I think when I read detective / mystery novels :) What an adventurous life they must have, those people who solve mysteries... not to mention the level of intelligence they have, without which they would not be able to connect links or deal with jigsaw puzzle pieces !!

But, its a very very dangerous profession, wonder how many times they come face to face with death and survive it.

Back to the topic, this movie starred Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte and was released back in '94. Yep, quite an old movie, but well-worth a watch. Why did I watch such an old movie you say ?? Well, for starters, I am a huge Julia Roberts fan... who isn't - she is, after all, one of the top American actresses of all times. I absolutely love her and I was kind of going through her movies list on IMDB and came across this one. Sounded intriguing and the rest is history.... Anyways, gotta go to bed now - its 3.45 am here and I have a long day tomorrow.

I will be back with more posts soon

- So

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Childhood Memories **reminisces**

Today was pretty uneventful except that something great happened today !! I met who must probably be one of my oldest classmate so far.... I mean not in age (in the number of years we have known each other).... I have known him since kindergarten and it was fun meeting him even though the meeting lasted for just 20 mins or so.

We spoke about so many of our childhood classmates and reminisced about the past, the fun we had, where everybody was, stories, memories.... it was nostalgic :)

Also, he was the first childhood classmate that I met probably after 17 yrs.... wow !! long time :)

Well, hope to visit and see some others soon !!!

- So

Monday, July 11, 2011

Doing good so far....

Hey u'all,

I think I am doing good progress with my activities plan. I put up 2 recipes in the past 3 days in my recipes blog - YUMMMMY DAYS... !!!

Apart from that, I created my odesk profile so that
  1. I can brush up my skills.
  2. I can pass some time by working on some projects while I am hunting for a job.
Lets see how it goes for the next few days.....

Until then
- So

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Ever been in a point in life, where you are bored to death itself ?? Wonder why its related to death ? Does it mean you would rather die than remain bored ? Whatever !!

Anyways, have decided today in such a mental torturous situation that I have to write something in my blog everyday. So in order to have matter to write in the blog everyday, I will probably do some significant work everyday ??? !!!! Well, that's the plan at-least for now :)

Lets see what it is for today... I will write back tonite... Keep waiting !!

Hey... looks like a diary entry to me :)

- So