
Monday, November 14, 2011

All set and ready to travel !!

I never knew I was such an impatient person until now. I am waiting to leave for the airport in less than 2 hrs time and I cannot think of anything to do that can help me pass those 2 hrs or less. Now that I think back about it, I guess I have always been very very impatient.

Anyways, I am waiting to travel to SFO for an interview on the 16th Nov. But the more important reason that I am going to SFO is mainly to meet my close friend A. She is arriving to SFO on the 18th for a company project and she is there for 1.5 months. I will be meeting her constantly every weekend for 1 month after which I will be traveling back to Athens, GA.

Its funny how you begin to count days to a particular event and then when the days get lesser and lesser, you begin counting hours and then minutes. The human brain automatically switches, making things go even slower than it already is and making it seem like its gonna take forever. It also makes other things seem so trivial, which is a wonder... And when the moment finally comes and goes, you just cannot believe later that its GONE and is probably not coming back again in your life !!!

Dont wanna be giving out negative vibes to myself right now. For now, I am just WAITING WAITING to meet this friend of mine and cannot think of anything else !!! Nov 18th seems so far far away !!!!!

So long folks
- So  :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I am also counting hours to meet you...As per actual plan, I should have been there already...Anyway, better late then never...Lets begin the countdown :)
