
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rockmelt browser language change

Hahaha, the funniest thing happened to me just now... I guess I can call it funny now and laugh about it, but I struggled with this problem for a good half an hour.

I use the rockmelt browser and it has so many cool features. Today my laptop hanged and I had to restart it. When I opened my browser after the restart, rockmelt had changed completely into a Hindi language browser... I was surprised... decided I had clicked too many stuff when my system hanged, so figured some settings must have changed around that time.

Tried initially to go through all the menu options (which unfortunately were in Hindi), and tried to understand them clearly (fortunately for me, I can relate to the language). Found an option to change language for spell check - thats it. Then tried to go search in google about how to change back my browser language and the sort, but was unsuccessful... meanwhile I had opened my "System Settings" for changing some other settings on my Mac. (Yes, I own a Mac !!!)

Suddenly discovered a language tab there, which showed a list of languages in the order that I prefer them to appear (What ??? Apparently I have chosen konkani as the first one, n then hindi, then kannada and 4th was English... srsly ??) Couldn't really remember when I had done that.... but it hadn't posed a problem until now... or maybe when I clicked on several stuff, it had just gotten replaced... then moved English to 2nd place... Lo and Behold !! My browser was back to English...

I guess it wouldn't be a problem if rockmelt or maybe any other browser didn't have language versions. I figured this because most of my other applications were still in English language mode, so I assumed it was a browser problem !!

Anyways, all is well that ends well... back to work now !!

- So

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Job #2 complete

YAY !! Just finished my 2nd job on odesk although this one was a bit complicated as compared to the previous one.

I had a tough time figuring out the solution due to lack of clear instructions, but finally was able to crack it and corrected it. I should know in a few hours what the outcome was, but I am happy about my work.

Luckily or fortunately for me, both jobs were writing small algorithms for implementation of AI concepts. So hopefully should help me in the long run.

- So

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Looking for work

I know, I know, I stopped putting up health tips after just a few good ones. That's because, I am always like that :) start all big stuff and then abandon them mid-way.

Moreover I am trying to find a job and believe me it is ONE HECTIC JOB to find a job !! I just don't find time in between house work and studying for interviews and job applications. And to top it off, I wanted to at-least start some work from home things, so I went to this website and applied to a few jobs, which again I had to abandon because of too much work.

But then yesterday after a whole lot of determination to not give up, I took up a small piece of programming work and finished it in record time (2 hrs), which I think is amazing because of my current mind set and also the fact that I haven't done even a small bit of programming since last year.

After I finished the job and submitted it, the client was very happy with my work and I was so proud of myself. At-least I managed to finish it without any hurdles. So all the confidence I lost in the past few months of not finding a job, I managed to retrieve it back.

Just wanted to note it down !!
- So