
Saturday, June 15, 2013

TSH Test

10th June 2013, Monday

Baby beanie completed 8 weeks today. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) test results came out on Monday. Everything is normal - the lady on the phone said.

Had a lot of stomach twinges over the weekend. Went to the doc to show the report and to ask the numerous questions that I had about my changing body and lifestyle - like twinges in the stomach, body aches, tiredness, nausea (no morning sickness), aversions to foods, not feeling hungry and also riding a bike to work.

Doc said not to worry about anything - all of these are normal pregnancy complaints. All of the changes in the body are normal. She also said that riding a bike is not going to cause any harm to the baby unless otherwise there is really a problem with the pregnancy in the first place. In that case, they would automatically order bed-rest and / or less stressful lifestyle.

For the cough and cold that I intermittently have, she recommended steam inhalation. Talking to her put my mind at ease about a lot of things, more so because she was confirming what I read about in the book "What to expect when you are expecting".

Next milestone is at 12 + 1 weeks (12 weeks 1 day). Ultrasound scan on 9th July. Waiting to see you again, baby beanie :)

- So

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Embarking on a new adventure

Saw you for the first time today. You are so tiny, just 1 cm in length. Although I dont know you much yet, I was so worried about your health and your wellness. Once I saw you, my eyes filled with tears thinking that you are safe and healthy and I dont need to worry much anymore.

Listening to your heartbeat only made my tears pour down and when your DD came in to see you, he was super worried that something was wrong because I was crying. Only after the doc told him that they were happy tears, he relaxed a bit. Poor thing, he must have been stressed out.

We were both very happy to see you and we rejoiced. All the pains and discomforts from past days were forgotten. We shared the news with close friends and family and ate sweets. Everyone was happy to hear the news. Everyone is waiting for your arrival.

A new adventure begins hereby for me. Eating more healthy foods, worrying about you first and foremost and even more than worrying about my health. That is going to be my new job. And your DD's job is to worry about me :P Hope he does.

Doc described you as my "bright" baby. I wish all the brightness in your life and I wish you will be the brightness in our lives too :)

- So

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pregnancy Journal

May 17th 2013

Finally found out I am pregnant - through Beta-HCG test.
Have an HCG count of 2267 as of yesterday (blood sample was taken yesterday evening)

Had taken two HPTs (one of which was yesterday morning) - both of them negative. So had lost all hopes. Was even scared to look at the result of the HCG test. Asked DH to check and he was playing with me saying "Its unbelievable that things like this can happen" and I thought once again, that the test was negative. But then he confirmed after a while and we were very happy.

Although I am still apprehensive, because I passed a clot today morning - so I am really scared about the spotting and the clots. Want to go for a scan and confirm the pregnancy before building up hopes.

May 18th 2013

Had my first ultrasound scan today. Pregnancy is confirmed.

Gestational sac is present and in the right place. However no fetal pole or heartbeat yet. Doctor says its too early to say anything because of the absence of these features and asked for a repeat ultrasound again after 2-3 weeks. Next ultrasound is on 4th June.

Going to be very worried until then. Keeping fingers crossed.

Doc said that there is nothing I can do about the problem and that we just have to wait and see. She said that she can advise me to take bed rest, but that is really not going to help. But she would recommend it.

May 19th 2013

Spotting started again. So super worried that I am going to have a m/c :(

May 20th 2013

Since doc said that resting is not really that important, went back to work as I had not informed in the office about the doctors appointment or about the pregnancy in the first place.

May 26th 2013

Passed a clot again, but cannot go to the doctor, as she again wont be able to say anything until the next ultrasound. Worried that I might have taken too much stress. Worried that maybe I should have rested.

Although, I am happy that spotting stopped completely.


Every day when I go to work, when I cross a bump on the road, I say sorry to you baby for giving you trouble thinking it might be uncomfortable for you when the vehicle jumps :(

Always worried that I might be taking too much stress and spoiling your health along with mine.
Whenever I eat junk food, I am worried that it might affect your health.

I am always feeling either hungry or bloated or puky. No other feeling at all nowadays.

Had pizza one of these days in the office and I decided Ill never have pizza again. In the beginning I enjoyed it, but after two slices, I started feeling queasy even at the sight of another slice. The crust was however too good to resist, so I removed all the toppings and ate only the crust of the remaining slice after 2 hours or so.

Oh BTW, my DH is showing extra care towards me these days. He picks the heavy stuff for me. He brings me goodies to eat. Advises me to eat small meals more frequently. Worries when I say I am super tired and asks me to rest all the time, but you know there is always some work to be done. There is no possibility for complete rest. I jokingly fought with him saying that he is only caring for you and not for me :) so he started caring only after we heard the news.

So far, only 2 of my close friends know about you. One is A and the other is R. They are both very happy and praying for your safety :)

May 31st 2013

Planning to make energy bars this weekend, so that I can keep nibbling on them when I feel queasy or when I get hungry - multi-purpose :) Your DD is a gym freak, so he wants the bars for his snack times.

June 1st 2013

Someone told me today that in the morning after brushing my teeth, before eating anything else, if I eat a handful of raisins, I wont feel queasy all day long. Going to try that from Monday.

June 2nd 2013

Made two kinds of energy bars today, despite a growing feeling of tiredness. Our extended family returned from their vacation in the village - so had too much of work today. Still, I had decided to make a batch of energy bars today - so did them.

Seemed pretty easy :) were over in 30 - 45 mins or so. They are in the fridge right now biding their time * evil laugh *

Sooo not in a mood to go to work tomorrow. Just counting minutes till I can see / hear you in the next ultrasound (2 days left to go).

Ok, super tired now. Will continue this journal in my next post. Will try to write short posts from now on.