
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monthly Checkup - 1 month.

Yesterday we went for a general checkup for you. You seemed miserable from the past few days and you also vomited / spit out milk and curdled milk a couple of times. We went to a doc recommended by my first cousin's husband.

Your most recent weight (at 1month) is 5.81 kg. You are 60 cm long and HC is 38 cm. Doc said you are growing fine - in fact above normal / average. You have the average height of a 3 month-er and you are also gaining weight fast.

He also said that you have a colic condition. Looks like the stretching you are doing a lot is because of this condition. He also said that you are slightly lactose intolerant and suggested Colic Aid drops for you for the colic condition and also another colic drops which is called Cry No.

When I administered the colic aid drops to you the first time, you started jumping and behaving like crazy. So I tasted the drops myself to see if it had a weird taste. It just tasted all mint like - seems like you don't like mint. I will take a video of your reaction and upload it here later :)

Due to the lactose intolerance, you have some condition similar to diaper rash and the doc said it will go away with a diaper rash cream although its not diaper rash. I feel sorry for your pain, but apart from the fact that you are miserable - you don't cry a lot. I cannot imagine what I would do if you constantly cried from the pain or something - I wouldn't know how to handle you. Thanks to you for NOT being very fussy and cranky.

More to come soon.

1 month old !!

You are 1 month old today. Cannot believe, that 1 month ago, I was struggling to bring you out and saw the tiny you and today here you are - so much bigger and chubbier :)

Your discharge weight was 3.9 kgs. The last two times we went to your pediatrician - you weighed 4.280 kg (at 9 days) and 4.640 kg (at 16 days). Doctor said that you were doing super fine and there were no problems.


1. You absolutely hate being swaddled or even being covered with a cloth. You want your hands and feet free to move around. Neither do you like anything covering your head. It will be gone in a split second if your hands are free.

2. You love being cuddled and picked up and make a fuss when you are put down on the bed or quilt.

3. You hate being kept waiting for a feed. At first you just have short cries and if they are not recognized and you are not fed immediately, you shout at the top of your lungs at the highest of pitch that I have ever seen a baby cry in. You are so impatient at the start of the feed that you make a loud noise when you latch on and you almost always end up coughing and sputtering from the heavy inflow :D

4. You are a very restless sleeper. You keep moving around a lot in your sleep. Sometimes the slightest of noises can wake you up. But sometimes, even the loudest don't do a thing. You sometimes turn 90 degrees in your sleep. And you sleep in the most impossible shapes - a 'C' shape, a 'Z' shape etc., Maybe you'll learn your alphabets sooner :D

5. You are very very expressive. You make the most weirdest of faces - pouty, serious thinker, very angry, 'cannot believe it' face etc.,

6. You love and I mean LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to stretch. I have never seen a baby stretch so much. If you are not sleeping or feeding, you are stretching - all the time. I have even told your DD to put you into gymnastics or aerobics because it seems like you have no bones in your body.
You stretch so much that your paternal grandmother at one point told me to ask the doctor why you stretch so much and if there is anything wrong with you. LOL.

7. You smile a lot in your sleep - more so in the past few days. You cry when you get an oil massage and a hot hot bath.

8. You already turn over to your sides. First time you did this all by yourself was when you were 3 weeks 6 days old. Once when I put you on your side for a nap, you turned onto your belly. We could not believe it. Your maternal grandmother says you do everything at jet speed and to keep a watch over you :)

9. You used to poop a lot - once before and once after every feed - that we called you poopy head for a while (sorry about the public disclosure).

10. You make a lot of noises when you sleep and also when you feed.

11. You are always putting your tongue out - you have a rather long tongue. People say that you will be a good learner (studies wise) - lets wait and watch.

12. Recently you have started to listen intently and watch when people talk to you.


You underwent your first flight journey when you were 17 days old.
You had your ears pierced on your 19th day.
You had your cradling ceremony when you were 19 days old.
You were given 5 names - Chakrika, Chhavi, Chitkala, Ashwini, and Jayashree (We did not want to disappoint that relative who gave you this name). Although more names might come later, during your official naming ceremony. This was also when you were 19 days old.
You experienced your first fireworks show (just heard it in the confines of our house - but it was really loud that you got alarmed at the first loud pop) when you were 3 weeks 6 days old - that was during the Car Festival in Mangalore - your first car festival - although we did not leave the house to go see it

Here are some pictures of you taken today.