
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sick Times 1

Its been a sickness overload this month. I just recovered from a bout of the flu few weeks back. I have fallen sick many a time before and have never loved it. I very rarely fall sick, but when I do, it lasts for long durations which is what I hate about it. Unfortunately, it was my baby's turn to fall sick this time. I cannot imagine what she would be going thru :( Her first fever ever at 6 months 3 weeks.

Couple of days back she suddenly started feeling feverish and had a warm head and the day care caretakers called me up to inform the same. I rushed to her and after discussing with the lady there, even though she dint have much of a temperature rise, we gave her some Dolo drops to help reduce her fever. I then took her home earlier than usual after wrapping up my work as fast as I could.

Even after administering the medicine every 4 hours, she had a temperature rise once again at night which went upto 100.2 degrees. At that time I felt a bit scared that the fever was gonna go to her head. Thankfully that was the only time with a high temperature. Other than that her body remained at 99 degrees and did not cross it.

Her fever continued the next day on and off and I was kind of scared. When I gave her the drops, her body would lose the heat and after the medicine effect wore off, she would heat up again. I had taken the day off to look after her. I planned to go back to work today morning, but alas, her body felt warm again today. Moreover she had started coughing a little bit since yesterday and while coughing she even threw up when I was feeding her ragi-wheat malt. That is when I decided to go to the doctor.

Its a good thing I went, 'coz I found out from the doc that she had encountered a throat infection. Not sure where she caught it from, but seemed like a heavy load was lifted off my head when I found out. Although it wasn't a good thing, at least it wasn't something serious. Doc prescribed some cough drops for 3 days and if the condition continues - for 2 days more. "No antibiotics needed - not that severe" was what the doctor said.

She has been a bit cranky from past couple of days and always wants to be with me or my co-sister. She doesn't like to be put down to play. Its been a tough 2 days since she hasn't slept at nights as well. Because if not for her sickness, she was always a good night sleeper and as I have mentioned in my previous posts multiple times, she has always been a good silent baby and I cant frankly remember when she has ever been cranky before.

She had not even had the slightest fever during her BCG and other vaccines. The 2 days were really bad for me too because I spent sleepless nights and I have a pelvic bone beaking in my waist and it has caused me severe pains since a month now. I cannot cross my legs and sit. Also Chhavi always demands to sleep on my legs and it has really been a bad time for me because of my condition. I have experienced severe back pain because of continuously sitting in that position for 3 - 4 hrs. My DH is such a doll. He rubs the gel on every night - and I still jab at him when he doesn't put her to bed.

Anyways, today she is feeling much more better after she started taking her cough drops and is now sleeping peacefully. She woke up a few mins back when I started writing this post and started getting a bit cranky, but once I re-fed her, she slept again. DH patted her to sleep when I put her onto her bed. Hopefully she sleeps through the night today. Fingers crossed. And I just hope she doesn't fall sick often.

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