
Friday, November 25, 2016

Gyaani Devi Chhavi - 1

I have actually ceased writing about my convos with my dear daughter... Mainly because of two reasons.
1. I forget a lot of them a few mins after its happened.
2. She makes a lot of witty remarks. Thats another reason for #1.

Chhavi talks a lot. Anyone who knows her would second me on this. And lot means a LOT. She talks even when she is eating or when she's playing, she talks to herself. Hell, I thought she was silent only when asleep, until the other day I heard her talk in her sleep too LOL.


One day, both of us were having our morning drink, she a glass of milk and me a glass of light jaggery coffee (yum !!) And when both of us were done, I stacked my glass in hers and asked her to drop them in the sink.

Turns out my glass was a bit bigger and taller than hers and it didn't sit in the other one far enff. So she re-stacks them in the opposite way and then goes ahead to give me some gyaan.

Amma, if you stack them like this, this glass wont go inside this one. So see you should stack it like this, now this glass will go inside this... you understand ?? (All the time, demonstrating me how it should and should not be done) - sigh... when did she become a granny and skip all those beautiful baby talking years in between !!


The other day, there was some lunch at the temple near our house and we all decided to go there in 2 shifts. We did not wanna take lo#2, because it was his nap time. So me, mom and Chhavi decided to go first and just as we were leaving, she looks at my dad (who was staying back) and says... Ajja, look after Viaan well. Ill go to the temple, have lunch and come back and then she repeats the whole thing again.

The temple is like at the end of the road from our house. So while almost ending lunch, casually mom told me to give a ring to dad and ask him to start from the house (since baby is sleeping) and to meet us halfway to hand over the keys. This girl starts screaming in the middle of the conversation... So he will leave baby alone in the house and come is it ? (with an angry undertone)


Everytime she goes to the bathroom to pee, she either advices whoever is taking her to stand outside the bathroom and lock the door from the outside and not to let anyone inside !!! Goodness, YOU are just 2.5 yrs old as of yet.... Who would wanna come n peek at you :)


There is a boy next door who attends the same play home as her. The first few days when he joined, his mom sat with him the whole time as he was unwilling to stay back. After watching them a couple of days, my daughter decides to do some baby sitting. She goes and tells the boy's mom. Aunty, you go home. I am here with your son. Don't worry, he wont cry. You can go home now. That lady was shocked and she came home and told me about their conversation. I couldn't stop smiling.


Basically she repeats most of the things we say to her but she actually fires it back at us at the appropriate time.

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