
Friday, January 10, 2014


...You had your own plans... I had to rush to the hospital for the 3rd night consecutively on the 8th of Jan, because I felt my water break. I did not want to delay anything. I packed all my last minute stuff and we went to the hospital. This was at 11.30 in the night. DD and me were super excited and all ready (or maybe not - not sure) to welcome you into this world.


I was admitted to the labor ward at 12 in the night. I was put on NST for the rest of the night (on and off every 20 minutes). Doc said that I should start getting pains naturally soon, but that did not happen. We waited until 5.30 in the morning. Then doc said that I better get induced. OMG - Did that hurt. Although it was nothing compared to the hurt later. I was in active labor before I knew it and I can only remember it hurt REAL REAL BAD, although I cant remember the actual pains now. I was in labor upto 12.25 in the afternoon and you showed no signs of showing us your pretty pretty face.

By this time I was 9 cm dilated and 80% effaced, but you hadn't shifted a mere inch. You only moved from -2 vertex to -1 vertex and did not want to move further down. We finally had to make a decision.
Doctor said that it looked like we had to go for a c-section because she did not want to risk using the forceps / vacuum even if you moved down later. So, I was rushed to an emergency c-section OT at 12.25.

DD accompanied me and was asked to change into a hospital gown himself. He was allowed inside the OT to stay with me and to welcome you. Everything was ready by 12.30 and then all I heard was the doc saying - "Ready ?? Apply some pressure" to another doctor, who just pushed my stomach down. Then I heard a loud wail and there you were - sharp at 12.34.34 on the 9th of Jan 2014. I still did not know if I had a baby boy or a baby girl and everyone was engrossed in you. Its weird that DD also just lost himself looking at you. I had to ask out loud, if I had a girl or boy and then I heard - "Its a girl".

Tears welled in my eyes and you cannot believe the feeling. I cannot even express it. I just cried later and was wanting to hold you. I kept asking and they said they will let me hold you later. Meanwhile I was cut open and plastered shut and I had not felt a thing. I was on local anesthesia. Not to mention I was on a happiness high !! DD totally forgot about me. I had to pass a comment - "You are so engrossed in your daughter that you did not even see me after she was born". All the doctors laughed at the comment and said that they had not heard anyone say that ever.

DD was asked if he wanted to cut your cord - he answered - "Sure, why not". He cut the cord and it was stored away and sent to Stem Cell Banking at Cryo Nine.

I know for a fact that DD was probably more happy than I was, because I know and he also told me later that he never doubted even for a minute during my pregnancy that you were a baby girl. Even I had my doubts every once in a while, but he never did. He also told me later one day that forever, whenever he thought about having kids, he had always wanted to have a baby girl. And there you were, the most precious thing in our life - in our arms.

You weighed 4.070 kgs, were 54 cms tall and had a head circumference of 35.5 cms. You had a big photo session right in the OT :) With me, with both of us - we missed taking a snap with you and the doctors though - I wish we had one. Then we both were transferred into a recovery room. We were probably the happiest couple and family in the hospital - right there :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Just like that

So many things have happened in such a short time, that I have had no time at all to update my blog.

After the last scan with my doc, I had an appointment on 26th Dec - during which time, doc said that I was already in early labor and 3 cm dilated. Me and hubby were super surprised because I definitely did not feel anything like labor. I was calmly roaming around and going shopping and stuff :D

She said to take an NST and see the proceedings. My first NST came out completely flat which scared the doc a lot. She said I need to get admitted immediately. But then she realized that baby might be just sleeping - so she said to go have a bite to eat and a drink and take another NST, which then came out amazing. She said there is no problem to be seen - so I can just go home and then relax unless something serious happens - like water break, labor pains or reduced / stopped baby movements.

Well, nothing like that happened, but then I got to go out a lot during the week that followed. My first cousin had a baby boy on 3rd - very cute boy - she wanted a girl badly - but no such luck. Her MIL was probably the most disappointed.

We went to see baby in the hospital. After that on 6th Jan, we went shopping for a dress for my b-day. Meanwhile I was secretly hoping that I would have my baby the next day - the day I was born (7th Jan). Apparently everyone was hoping the same too. But fortunately or unfortunately, it did not turn out that way, although I had to rush to the hospital due to reduced baby movements on the 6th night. Then again on 7th night due to lot of pain and contractions.

ZIP NIL Nothing... Nonetheless, my doctor was amazed that I have been in labor for so long and still there have been no signs of you emerging. You had your own plans :)

Continued in the next post... COMING SOON.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Birthday 2014

Jan 7th, 2014

I had a fun birthday this year just because I was anticipating the birth of my first baby soon. I always hoped secretly that she would be born today, but she had other plans. In case nothing happened, I wanted to dress up nice and look good because for the next birthday I wouldn't be alone :) for many more years to come. I would be trailed by my kids :) So I went out and bought a beautiful dress. I had never bought a dress for my birthday after my marriage.

Meanwhile when it was being packed, me and hubby went and had some juice - we relived old times. I pleaded to get some henna on my hands and he readily agreed. It is times like this when I love my hubby more than ever. He doesn't stop me from doing what I love and is always attentive to my wishes. He is always patient with me (I am the one who loses patience often). He is unlike other husbands who just shout for no reason. Love you sweetheart for being nice to me and loving me unconditionally.

I had been to the hospital yesterday night thinking I had pains. But it turned out to be a false alarm. Anyways, we came home and slept late. Then I woke up early in the morning, freshened up, put on my new dress and went to the temple. Here are some pictures of the special day in order of when they were taken. I am disappointed that my baby did not turn up today, but then again, I wish to think of my birthday as a welcome party for her arrival.