
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Just like that

So many things have happened in such a short time, that I have had no time at all to update my blog.

After the last scan with my doc, I had an appointment on 26th Dec - during which time, doc said that I was already in early labor and 3 cm dilated. Me and hubby were super surprised because I definitely did not feel anything like labor. I was calmly roaming around and going shopping and stuff :D

She said to take an NST and see the proceedings. My first NST came out completely flat which scared the doc a lot. She said I need to get admitted immediately. But then she realized that baby might be just sleeping - so she said to go have a bite to eat and a drink and take another NST, which then came out amazing. She said there is no problem to be seen - so I can just go home and then relax unless something serious happens - like water break, labor pains or reduced / stopped baby movements.

Well, nothing like that happened, but then I got to go out a lot during the week that followed. My first cousin had a baby boy on 3rd - very cute boy - she wanted a girl badly - but no such luck. Her MIL was probably the most disappointed.

We went to see baby in the hospital. After that on 6th Jan, we went shopping for a dress for my b-day. Meanwhile I was secretly hoping that I would have my baby the next day - the day I was born (7th Jan). Apparently everyone was hoping the same too. But fortunately or unfortunately, it did not turn out that way, although I had to rush to the hospital due to reduced baby movements on the 6th night. Then again on 7th night due to lot of pain and contractions.

ZIP NIL Nothing... Nonetheless, my doctor was amazed that I have been in labor for so long and still there have been no signs of you emerging. You had your own plans :)

Continued in the next post... COMING SOON.

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