
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Conversations with Chhavi - 4

Sometimes when she wants to ask something she goes...
"Mamma, idu nindu purse ???  (Is this your purse) " with a long tone... stating that she wants to play with it. When I just respond with an 'Yes', she repeats the questions until I ask her... do you want it ? And she just nods her head happily !!


If I am sniffling even a little bit, Chhavi goes - Mamma, nosey ? and when I say yes, she proceeds to clean my nose with a cloth / tissue !! LOL - what all kids learn by noticing the actions of adults.


One day Chhavi stamped my bare feet with her shoe clad feet. It was really hurtful. I screamed a bit and told her sternly that she hurt me. She goes... "Mamma, abbu jalle ?? Gharkad vachunu cream lavya... blue blue cream lavya" (Mamma, did u get wounded, we'll go home and apply some cream... blue blue cream...) Aww... I just melted then and there. How can you ever stay angry at these tiny tots !! ?

Friday, January 8, 2016

12 week NT scan

Dear Buttercup (yes, thats the name I have given you after much thought)

Today was your 12th week scan... Today was the first time we actually saw you.

With Chhavi, we had to have couple of scans before the NT scan, due to some precautions, but this time, there were no issues. So, this was the first one. You were also shy just like Chhavi - but lesser. But you were much more hyper - Chhavi was a quiet one. You were literally tossing and turning and jumping around and not letting the doc get a good view of you.

I cried again (as I always do at ultrasounds). But it was a happy teary time. Your heartbeat soothed me in many ways, because, until then I wasn't really sure of how everything was / is. I was really scared. I was constantly worried since we hadn't actually seen you. Doc said there is nothing to worry and baby and mommy are both hale and healthy. We both came home a happy couple.

Chhavi was there with us and she was interested for only a short time in the beginning as to what was happening around her, and then she lost interest. Cant blame her, since shes just 2 yrs old and she doesnt know what to actually look for. Anyways...

Ill put up your NT scan pics once I have them on my phone. Next scan is at 20 weeks or so I believe.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Conversations with Chhavi - 3

One day I was eating some Mangalorean sweet dish. Chhavi came and pulled it away from me in order to have it for herself, as she always does. She was happily munching away when I came with another dish (Puran Poli - Holige) and I fed a few pieces to her. Immediately, she switched both our plates and said... Mamma, neenu idu tinnu, naanu idu tintini. (Mamma, you eat this and ill eat this - pointing to our switched plates). All of us were dumb founded.


I bought Chhavi a box of color pencils the other day and she is obsessed with it. She finds a piece of paper each time and starts scribbling on it. When we take the pencil and hold it in reverse position, she goes - ulta, ulta... she holds it right and then says - heege baribeku (You should write like this). Doesn't miss even a single time.


When she doesnt want to do something, if we ask her to do it, she immediately says - Naanu maaDalla, naanu hogalla... or the same in Konkani, haava karna, haava vachana, haava khayna etc., meaning, I wont do, I wont go.. I wont eat..... I wont 'something else'.

She is very determined about it. Also, from the past few days - being at my parents' house has improved her konkani a lot. She has picked up quite a bit from my mom and dad and she fluently says different things, which I never taught her or cant remember having spoken to her about.


Onto new adventures in the new year 2016

My second biggest most awaited adventure has finally started. However, the start is really really slow and bad. I puke most of the nights and feel queasy the rest of the times. Yes, you guessed it right. I am expecting my second one in July.

It is said - history repeats itself. In my case, for my first one, we tried for a few months, before finally conceiving and the HPTs turned out negative. Had to get a Beta HCG done to get a positive. In the second case also, we tried for a few months, but timing always seemed off. Had to have my first symptoms of dizziness and nausea to go get my blood test done, which of-course came out negative. Gave up all hopes, but went back in a week's time again to re-confirm and lo and behold... the test was positive this time. So many false negatives to deal with.

Nov 20th 2015

Got the results of my 2nd blood test and turned out to be positive. Point to be noted - Nov 21st is our anniversary. Good news and what a great gift for the both of us.

The due date is July 14th 2016, but the doctor said that since its an elective c-sec, we can choose a date around 1 week before the expected date. We are thinking of July 9th, to match with the Jan 9th of my first one. Lets see if the baby will wait until then :)

Currently I am in my 12th week and the nausea has abated a bit, but the aversions are still there. Have not had any kind of cravings either in my first or my second pregnancies. I wonder why !! Am currently at my parents' and my mom is always asking me what to make for lunch n dinner n stuff, but I just cannot think of a single thing that I would crave to eat. What a waste of the time spent with mom right, if I cannot ask her to make my favourite dish ?

My first scan of 12 weeks is on Jan 8th, a few days from now and I am just waiting to hear a tiny and speedy heartbeat again. The first time I heard it was 2.5 yrs ago and it seems like a long long time now :)

I know dear baby, that I have not been giving you ample attention like I did for my first one. But first ones are first ones...They do hold a special place in life. However, we do love you the same way and no less. I am sorry I have been lazy not to have started writing about you, but I promise, ill try to jot down more stuff from now on. Thats my New Year's resolution for 2016.