
Saturday, September 11, 2010


This post goes out as a tribute to all the victims of the 9/11 2001 incident and to the brave fighters who tried to help and lost their lives in the process too.

Countless families lost dear and loved ones on this day and my condolences to all of those families. I know their lives will never be the same again.

I watched a documentary on this event and I could not believe the amount of devastation and damage that the country went through emotionally and financially. Those 102 mins looked like never ending hell. I cant even begin to imagine the thought process of the people / survivors who witnessed the accident and were part of it, lest alone of those who were trapped and died. Imagine the terror they were going through during the final moments of their lives..... Some people even jumped out of the burning buildings, hoping they would atleast live, despite losing a leg or arm.

You would sit in front of the TV and think that if you were around, you would definitely help, but all I saw was people running helter-skelter and some people even shouting for help, but nobody in the near vicinity even stopping to take a look let alone helping them.

Earlier, I used to be curious as to what I would do if I was in such a situation, but after watching this video, the story is totally different. Of-course I would still help (I guess). But seriously, curious or not curious, I would never be wanna caught in such a situation in my life time. My prayers go out to the families who have lost loved ones and my bravados to the fighters and helpers.

Also, thanks to all the brave people who had the guts to shoot the incident on their cameras, which made me see the harsh reality of disasters, this one of which was man-made. And it goes without saying..... "DEFINITELY NO THANKS TO THE PEOPLE WHO CAUSED THIS."

- So

Friday, September 10, 2010


Who invented this concept called "space" ? !! I for one hate it like HELL.

Being in a relationship means being together, then why the space factor ? Why do you need the distance ? Some might say "distance" helps you grow and I am not talking in the literal sense of the word "distance" here. I strongly believe that in a relationship, you have numerous opportunities to grow "together".

"I need my own space and time to enjoy with my friends". Well, if you are ashamed of being seen together and cant accept your relationship in front of your friends, then there is no use being in such a relationship. Always be bold in life and love your significant other to the max. Doesn't mean you should not spend time with your friends, but get your partner to enjoy with them and you enjoy with your partner's friends too. Thats what life is all about, relationships and maintaining them.

Show him / her that you love them so much as to consider letting him / her into your life (consisting of family, friends, and other activities). Give them an opportunity to know you better. And most of all, DO NOT take them for granted. Nobody stays forever.... Who knows they might find someone else who is ready to accept and acknowledge them and then you will be left with noone.

--- So