
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last Day at Work !!

Today is my last day at work (assistantship ends on May 31st -- memorial day and I don't work on Fridays) and I am sooo sooooo happy that I will find more time to spend with friends and for other activities.

But I am seriously gonna miss my cubicle at work. And I am definitely gonna miss my beautiful dual monitor system :) How I wish I could take it home with me. This post is written from my work place and in memory of my dual monitors :(

Ah well, I just hope to graduate soon, so I can get on with my life and other things ;)

So long.... ciao.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Weird.... for some reason, yesterday I was too sleepy all day long and now its already 3.30 am and I am still unable to sleep. Tried to sleep, couldn't.... so now here I am.... wondering what to write about.

I know tomorrow (technically today) is going to be a long long day. I have to work some extra hours and I have to do more work on my research. Oh God !! What do I do ? I just hope I can do some work tomorrow and not feel sleepy.

Also planning to start exercising from tomorrow, most probably swimming or even badminton should do the trick. Havent had much physical activity in a long time, except a little bit of walking, which I dont consider as an activity at all, since it doesn't in the least bit affect my weight. My doctor has advised me to lose at-least 9 pounds. I am well on the way of achieving that, having lost around 2 pounds.

Hmm, the topic has moved from sleep to exercise and weight loss... that shows I am blabbering without reason and sense. Time to go then :) See you all soon.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Driving Practice....... !!!!!

Well..... today was a good day overall. I woke up quite early compared to other days (it being a Sunday and all - 8 am is pretty early for me even otherwise :P). I called back home (India) and was on the phone with my mom for around 2 hours or more trying to get her to check the Internet connection at my house (newly installed) and come online. Well, it was a time-consuming job actually, but finally she was online. All's well that ends well... as they say.

Finally we saw each other after 2 whole years since I came to the US. It was a good feeling. I spoke to her for another 2 hours over Skype, not letting her have her dinner or serve dinner to Dad (sorry Pappa....). I enjoyed eating her brains for a while, then took off for the main event of the day.

We (me and couple of my friends) had rented a car for the weekend and wanted to do some driving practice. I have been driving for 6 yrs now in India, just need to clear my driving test here in the US (what with the opposite side drive and all). All I had to practice was to reverse park, parallel park and reverse parallel park. I did pretty well, but since I cant go out on the roads w/o a US license, I was limited to the University Housing campus. Soon, got bored.

Took some long breaks in between, took an afternoon nap, went for a drive again in the night. And then now relaxing for this post.... so that's that for today.... I am enjoying my first day of blogging... hope this continues !!! See you all soooooon.

My first blog

Hello All,

Hmm, lemme see..... I will just refer to myself as So for the time-being... currently doing my Masters in Artificial Intelligence. Nothing to be awed of.... its all cool and sometimes boring too (ssshhhh..... dont tell my profs I said that !!). Well, this is my first blog and I am planning to write about "my daily life adventures" as the name suggests..... So, here goes.... lets start blogging, shall we ?