
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

30 weeks Update !!

On the verge of completing 7 months already... God !! How time flies by...

Things have gotten hectic both at home and at work. Hence the long break from blogging and posting about my coming little one. Haven't been able to do justice to blogging and neither have I been able to pay much attention to the new baby :(

Baby would probably feel real bad when it grows up. Anyhoo... here goes.

Currently at 31 weeks and writing this post.

Dearest babbatoo... you have been kicking a lot lately and its keeping me awake all night some of the days. You have become super duper active and spend a lot of time awake. Compared to your sister Chhavi, you are more active and kicking and moving almost all the time. I can sometimes feel your little feet / hands when I stroke / press on my belly. Also, sometimes you lift your bum and then its fun to play with you. If I press on your bum, you move around and lift it elsewhere on my stomach. However, Chhavi used to have a lot of hiccups, but you dont seem to have as many.

I am patiently waiting for the day when I can see shapes forming on my belly when you move around. Was the same with Chhavi, so am hoping it will happen with you too. Also Dear Dad and me have been trying to guess your gender. Not that we are particular about you being a girl or boy, but its fun to just try and speculate. We read about all the myths floating around on the internet. God, how stupid some of them seem :) Some of them are so obviously mythical, but whatever, its a fun pastime.

Oh BTW, last weekend, we had some blood reports done for thyroid, haemoglobin and sugar levels. Everything turned out to be normal. That was a huge relief, especially the iron levels. Never thought they would come to normal, since I have always been anaemic. Next appointment is going to be on the 21st. Also waiting for the next scan date to see you.

We are also looking at good days to welcome you into the world. Doctor has said that it will be on one of the mornings in the first week of July. So waiting to talk to him about the date for the operation. Lets see how things go. Next post in a few days... Ciao.

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