
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I have always harbored a passion for the creative arts (painting, music, knitting, crochet etc.,). Also, I am good at a few of them :), thanks to my parents..... they always encouraged me to learn new things !!

As a sequel to my New Year's resolution (none of the items on my list have been checked out as yet), I am putting up my wish list here :), a "things to do before I die"-of-sorts.

I have learnt some of these on a basic level, but I wanna be atleast on an intermediate expertise level :)
  • Learn how to play the guitar (tried my hands at this and absolutely loved it).
  • Many more projects in Knitting and Crochet (have promised my dearest friends some handmade gifts - hopefully soon).
  • Learn tennis.
  • Expertly fluent in French. Also wanna learn a host of other languages - especially interested in German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (have a fascination for Chinese and the like -- because to the naked ear, all the words in the language sound the same --- I am sure they are just pronounced with a twisted tongue :P)
  • Learn different dancing styles - already know basics of Salsa, Belly dancing and Bharatnatyam (what diversity hehe !!)... wanna complete my learning curve :)
  • Would love to Zumba more --- wow !! its just an awesome feeling when you zumba.... its a "not have a care in the world" feeling. You just dont care that someone is watching. You are dancing crazily and well, its helping too --- you definitely lose a lot of calories. So being ignorant is totally worth it.
  • Wanna learn singing --- I am kind of a kitchen singer i.e., I sing when I cook. I dont have a formal training and would love to get one. I love to hear people singing. So, maybe someday I can hear myself sing beautifully :)
  • Would love to be able to swim better --- again, I know only the basics. I would probably not drown if someone pushed me into the water, but I am aiming at losing weight through swimming, for which I need to be at intermediate level - and build up enough stamina to do quite a few laps a day. Just love the water though.... thank god I am not hydrophobic :)
  • Build a robot (intelligent machine / intelligent software) some day --- ONE FINE DAY maybe :) would be totally proud of myself if I did.
  • Have some paintings of my own :P Not for sale or anything... just for me to look at and be proud of !!!
Phew !! Seriously a diverse list of stuff to do.... Oh well, so what.... I dont want to be a master of one trade, but rather a jack of all !! I know its quite a weird list, but I believe I can do it and I know I am especially good at some of them. So, why not ??

Well, until the next update.

À bientôt - So.


  1. Nice to see a post after a long time...You have a long list there. I suggest try at-least half of it before you have a kid :) ...after which it's like no-time-for-yourself-for-anything :(

  2. Yea - thanks for the suggestion, will try that :)
