
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Belated but FUN Deepavali with friends...

Medu Vada and punugulu
Had a fun-filled deepavali with friends in the US this year. Most of us were busy with work / school during Deepavali days, so a bunch of us decided to celebrate it in a simple fashion over the weekend with a famous sweet from Andhra Pradesh, Bellam Gaarelu and an ever-so-awesome snack, Medu Vada from South India.

One of my close friends is an awesome cook too and is from Andhra Pradesh, and he suggested we make this sweet since his mom makes it all the time for Deepavali and it was a tradition for him back home. So over the weekend, we set out to make it by asking his mom for the recipe. This sweet is made from soaked and ground urdh daal and the procedure is similar to that of a medu vada. So, since we were making the batter for gaarelu, we also decided to use the leftover batter to make mouth-watering Medu Vadas while we were at it :D

When we finished all the cooking and sat down with friends for a cup of tea and the delicious snacks in front of us, we just could not contain ourselves. All the food was over and we found only empty dishes just after minutes... Here are some pics I managed to take before that happened :)
Bellam Gaarelu
Medu Vada and punugulu
The spread of the evening
You can click on the name of the dishes for the recipes, which can be found on my other blog.

Signing off for now,
- So

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