
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

General Checkup at 22 weeks

Dear baby beanie,

We had our monthly checkup today. I am on 22 weeks now. More than half-way thru. Just 18 more weeks to go before I can see you. Finally got to hear your heartbeat over the hand-held doppler and we were overjoyed to hear it. It was super audible at the first try itself.

Doc asked if I could feel movements - she described them "butterfly-like". I said that I could feel something but I was not sure. Your dad joked "butterfly-nu illa yaava fly-nu illa" (roughly translating to  not just butterfly, there is not even a fly). However, doc said that I should start feeling movements in another week's time.

Some other updates are that I need to get my 2nd OGCT (Oral Glucose Challenge Test) and HIV test done before my next checkup. Other than that, doc said everything seems fine otherwise. Next checkup is on Oct 2nd.

Signing off until then,
- So

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