
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yoga Classes - 1

I just recently started attending these yoga classes conducted by Patanjali yogapeeth, for which I have to wake up at 5 am. Classes start at 5.30 am. Its hard as it is to wake up at 8 am and now I have to lose 3 more hours of sleep :( I just love my morning sleep. Its so hard to come out of :)

I used to go to yoga classes when I was a kid. After the classes got over, I practiced it for a while and then gradually descending into lesser and lesser practice and then stopped altogether. Result of which, my sleeping patterns changed, my eating became more erratic and hence gained weight - atleast thats what I assume happened to me. Believe me, I was never this fat !!

Anyways, so I am hoping I'll sort of continue my yoga practice at-least this time and hold on to it. If not making me thinner, it will atleast help me lead a healthier life :) So, when I joined these classes, I was kind of apprehensive about whether I would like it or not. Turns out, its not that bad. Infact its great, especially because we get to discuss and hear about these great Indian epic stories and also various Yogic practices for curing ailments like arthritis and the like - not that I have it, but just saying.

So, who was the first practicer of yoga in the world ? Any idea... None other than our dearest Lord Shiva. He was also known as Yogeshwara (Yoga + Eeshwara) - a fact that I had not know until date. And his first disciple was Goddess Parvathi - his wife. Can you believe it ?? And while he taught his wife, there was this one other person who was watching and that was.... Yes, you got it - Adishesha (the snake coiled around Shiva's neck). It is said that Shiva after realizing this, sent Adishesha down to the Earth to teach and spread yogic awareness across the world. So how did Adishesha descend to the Earth ? In what form ?

There was once this lady called GoNika Devi, who was one day praying in the river. In those times, whenever you asked for a boon from the Gods, they used to hold up two palmfuls of water in folded hands and allow it to trickle down back into the river, all the while praying and asking for the boon. When GoNika Devi scooped up some water to do the same, she saw a small creature in the water she was holding up. She thought she should discard the water and threw it away. The creature started growing immediately and transformed into a half man - half snake form. He had a man's body, and a snake's tail. Apparently that form was none other Adishesha and that is how he came to be born on the Earth. Since he fell into the palms of his mother, pata = fall and anjali = palms, he came to be known as patanjali.

Patanjali, a reincarnation of Adishesha, went on to become the greatest promoter of yoga in the world. It is said that he was an expert in three disciplines - yoga shastra - art of yoga, vyakarana shastra - art of grammar and ayurveda shastra - art of ayurveda.

योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां मलं शरीरस्य च वैदिकेन । 
योपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनां पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोस्मि॥

It is said that mind is the most powerful weapon in the world and also that it is the most difficult thing to control. And through yoga, it is possible to control the workings of our mind and keep it in a stabilized calm state, no matter what you face in your daily life. The example our teacher gave was that of a still river - when there is no air or breeze. The surface of the water is perfectly level and still, calm, serene. What if you throw a stone into the water ? Ripples are created. Of course. But how long would that last ? The water after a while comes back to its still state. Throw one stone after another. The water still keeps coming back to its calm state. Likewise it is possible through yoga to bring your mind to such a calm state, that any number of stones, denoting problems, thrown into the water, denoting your mind, would only cause a few ripples and then put your mind back to serenity.

They say that yoga is the ultimate cure for all physical and mental illnesses. How much of it is true, I would not be able to clearly tell right now or even justify or prove it 'cause this is kind of a new beginning for me. Lets just say, I'm gonna go with the flow... ok ??

Will keep you updated.
- So

1 comment:

  1. joined yoga class, that's really nice. Nice info on the history of yoga, I never knew all that. Good luck with the classes.
