
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yoga tip of the day - Surya Namaskara

Do you know that in some cultures including Hindu culture, the Sun is considered a deity or a God ? So wouldn't it be good if we had a sort of praying procedure for the Sun God too ? And yes, we do have one. Its called Surya Namaskara.

It is performed while facing the Sun and saluting Him and obtaining prosperity and long life in the process. For details on how to perform this procedure - visit the wiki page for Surya Namaskara. I call it a procedure because it is not one aasana (posture), it is a mixture of various aasanas put together and combined with pranayama (regulation of breath).

Surya Namaskara can be performed in the morning or in the evening (2 hours before or 2 hours after eating food). So, in the morning, we need to face east and in the evening we need to face west. But it is more beneficial when performed in the morning.

Surya Namaskara is generally practiced in sets of 12 / 13 namaskaras. Each namaskara generally consists of 10 or 12 steps / aasanas. Different lines of thought lead to different number of steps in the namaskara. It can also be performed by chanting some mantras at the beginning of each namaskara - thus praying to the Sun and chanting his name.

It is said that Surya Namaskara should be performed on a high area of land when the Sun is in front of you, and in the minimal of clothes. This enables the Sun's rays to bathe the exposed part of our body completely and give us a healthy body and a glowing spirit. From a scientific point of view, it ensures complete body exercise - starting from the head, neck, chest, hands, shoulders, abdomen, waist, thighs, knees, legs and not to mention even the lungs and the heart !!

Wait for tomorrow's tip.
- So

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