
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Yoga Tip of the day

Just for emphasis, I am going to add a yoga tip of the day for today :) One of my friends is super stressed nowadays due to various reasons. Just to help her and the rest of the stressed out individuals out there in this age of super strenuousness.
Whenever you feel super stressed, lock yourself into a room for 10 mins :) and perform शशांखासनः (ಶಶಾಂಖಾಸನ ) Shashankhasana - which relieves you of all the stress and you will feel super energetic once again and ready to face life !!
How to perform this yoga posture ?
It is recommended to perform all sitting and sleeping yoga postures on a carpet or mat. It is recommended that your hands, head and feet should not touch the ground directly when performing sitting and sleeping yoga postures.

Fold your legs under your thighs and sit in an upright position, keeping your back and neck straight and perpendicular to the ground. Your feet should be lying parallel on the ground with heels touching your buttocks. And you should almost be sitting on your heel and soles.

Lift your hands straight above your head with palms facing front and inhaling deeply. Lower the hands and bend your body in front of you towards the ground, meanwhile exhaling and try to touch the ground with your forehead and touch the ground with your palms. Remain in this position for 5 mins and inhale and exhale normally during this time. 

Come back to original upright position. Repeat this until you feel relieved of your stress and when you feel calmer. You can also perform this another way, which is even more beneficial. Instead of lifting your hands above you, you can take your hands behind your back and lock them. This is a more beneficial posture, but at the same time more difficult to hold.

So long...
- So

1 comment:

  1. Finally good to see posts coming in this blog. Yoga tips are nice, I so wish I can make some time for fact I was so regular at this and all of a sudden I stopped when I went to US last year and just couldn't start it again....My new year resolution was to start yoga again and its nearly end of year and I haven't been back to it yet :(

    BTW, if possible do try to put up photo of the asana's. It will be much more useful.
